Friday, May 23, 2008

A big fat nothin' post

I took pictures at the Air Show last weekend and a few pictures of the girls that I would ordinarily share on the blog, but Jason took the camera with him. I will have to do pictures next time....
Actually...the B2 did a fly by and I didn't have my camera ready. Jason told me I could probably get a better picture online than I could take myself so here goes:

Am I an amazing photographer or what?
Jenna, Kristin, and I are having a girls night in tonight. We rented Mulan 2 and we are going to order pizza and have mint chocolate chip ice cream (Jason doesn't like mint, so we are going to attempt to hide the evidence of it before he gets back). It should be fun.

Not much for memorial day plans...we may barbecue with friends tomorrow, but other than that I think we will hang out at the park and eat more ice cream. :)

Miss you all!


Jacob and Mindy T. said...

YUMMY!! That's all such fun things to do. I want to have a girls night! I LOVE mint chocolate chip ice cream. What is wrong with Jason? LOL Miss you!

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

Yes, I heard that congratulations is in order! Hopefully you will have a boy this time! Although, if you have a girl you are fully equiped clothing wise. Give me a call sometime ok? I'd love to talk!

Judee said...

Fun, fun, fun....
Congratulations on the upcoming baby.

Dave Boyd said...

Well brother, looks you are a lonely little testosterone boat in an ocean of estrogen. Serves you right!