Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Disneyworld Pictures


The Duckworth Family said...

cute! Love the skirts! I keep wanting to try ones like that, but i"m such a weenie! I wimp out and don't want to waste the time and mess up. Although I braved making the aprons last week and that went over well. I finally got my sewing machine in working repair so I need to just do it! YOur girls are beautiful and I miss you!

The Duckworth Family said...

so I made an attempt at a skirt today, didn't make it quite right, but you need to take a picture of just the skirt so I can see how you did yours they are so cute! The one I did I just didn't do wide enough so it just didn't look right, but then I made one for baby and it was way better. Anyway if you get a second and want to take pictures of all your recent creations I would love it!

The Duckworth Family said...

Melis, I still can't believ how dang cute these skirts turned out. Every person I show just loves the fabrics you chose and how too cute your girls are! I just posted a link to your tutorial on my blog, hopefully you will get some hits!